Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sabbatical showcase at Sound Summit

Sabbatical has been invited to take part in this year's Sound Summit Festival in Newcastle. We will be presenting a free showcase at the Terrace Bar this Saturday, featuring a selection of Sabbatical artists.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Sabbatical presents:

Justin Fuller
Default Jamerson
Eko Eko Azarak
Von Einem

Terrace Bar, 529 Hunter Street, Newcastle


The showcase will also act as the launch for new cassette releases from Justin Fuller and Eko Eko Azarak. Tapes and other Sabbatical releases will be available at the show.

Sound Summit 2012 from Angela Bermuda on Vimeo.

The WFMU Free Music Archive has a mix available for streaming featuring all the artists appearing over the weekend.